Spring Greetings to everyone – though we are sure that the changing season makes us all even more restless…
With some UK Festivals beginning to make hopeful noises, we are cautiously optimistic that at least some of our gigs planned for this summer might take place, in one form or another. We are less optimistic about summer events outside the UK – a little more so for those scheduled for the end of the year. As with 2020, we are not cancelling anything but will move the concerts if we have to, and will keep you informed.
Meanwhile, the long-promised limited-edition double DVD of last October’s 40th Anniversary live-stream has been delayed but should be available within a few weeks.
Ten and a bit years ago, our 30th Anniversary two-night concert in London was filmed in a joint project with Nyquest. DVD copies of this sold out some time ago and it has now moved to pay-to-view streaming platforms, where it can be seen in full HD quality. It is available on Amazon Prime (and for a very short time the first night was offered free to subscribers but is now to pay for). However, we would prefer that anyone who does want to watch this (or download it), goes to Vimeo on Demand, from which, unsurprisingly, more of the fee will actually go to the band.
Night 1 (Friday)
Night 2 (Saturday)
The release of Justin’s new solo album ‘Surrounded’ (together with the re-release of ‘Navigating by The Stars’) will now be in May, and a first track and video will be released very soon (on March 5th).
More news as it arrives.
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The Joys Of Spring - News Update 26-02-2021