We are very sad to report the passing of Dave Chumbley, who was our booking agent for twenty-eight years between1985 until 2012. Dave was a key figure in our story and for many, many other artists, all of whom are expressing their respect and affection on for him on social media today.
Dave had an extraordinary buoyancy and good humour with more than a little bit of London barrow-boy charm. Naturally he had a music business cynicism but it was shell-thin and beneath, it was easy to see that he had a massive, genuine love of people and music and an emotional involvement with all his artists however big or small. He also had a healthy disregard for rules and authorities and a few years ago did his best to undermine the tyranny of the ticket agencies with the Artist Ticket system. As one of his very first bands, he remained very protective and supportive of NMA, and even after we left his Primary Talent agency a few years ago to manage concert bookings ourselves, we remained close.
Our thoughts are with his family and all his team at Primary. We really will miss him.
Absent Friends
Dave Chumbley (1960 - 2017)